





Design of Mobile-Based Software and Applications


Instructor: Jerry Gao, Ph.D.Professor of San Jose State University, USA

URL: http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/gaojerry

Course Description:


This course focuses on design methods and engineering solutions for wireless-based software and m-commerce applications, including system infrastructures, mobile platforms and mobile enabled technologies, wireless security, mobile client software, location-based solutions and services discovery. It covers hot topics in m-commerce applications, including wireless advertising solutions, mobile payment systems, wireless messaging services, and location portals and mobile agent-based tools.


This course provides an in-depth look at the technical design issues, solutions, and challenges in engineering wireless-based software and m-commerce applications systems. It covers both fundamentals and discusses design issues in mobility, personalization, location-aware, profile-based, and inter-operation ability.

The course discusses location detection methods, service discovery approaches, and profile management techniques. In addition, the course also covers wireless messaging systems, and mobile commerce applications in wireless advertising, mobile payment, location-based portals, and mobile agents.


Course Objectives:

lUnderstand the basic requirements, features, properties, and challenges in building wireless-based software and application systems

lLearn the basic concepts and background of wireless networks, system infrastructures and components, enabling mobile technologies and their selections, as well as mobile platforms and trade-off.

lProvide the engineering insights on wireless-based software and application analysis and design issues and solutions, including classified system infrastructures and trade-off, components and frameworks, and mobile client design and user interactions.

lUnderstand and comprehends typical m-commerce subjects and applications systems, including wireless advertising, mobile payment, mobile-portal, and wireless messaging services.




上课地点:理科1号楼 1131



课程助教:田刚。联系方式:理科一号楼1726E-mailtiangang06 (at) sei.pku.edu.cn


About the instructor:

Jerry Z. Gao Ph.D. is a professor of Computer Engineering Department at San Jose State University in California. Dr. Gao has co-authored three technical books, two of them relating to software testing. His current research interests include component-based software engineering, software testing methodology and test automation, information technology and Internet computing, mobile computing and wireless commerce. Dr. Gao has over 12 years research experience and 8 years software development and management experience in software engineering. Before he joined San Jose State University, he worked for Fujitsu Network Communications System, Inc. as a manager of an R&D group in the software-engineering department. At Fujitsu, he was instrumental in developing an enterprise software production environment over the Internet. His team is the driving force to establish an enterprise-oriented software-engineering environment over the Internet in Fujitsu. Now, he has over 70 technical papers in IEEE/ACM journals and magazines as well as international conferences, and numerous book chapters. As a co-author, his first book is titled as Object-Oriented Software Testing, published by IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. In 2003, he published his second book, titled as "Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software", by Artech House Publishers in September 2003. Recently, he published another book, titled as Engineering Wireless-Based Software and Application Systems. In 2007, he is a guest editor for International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering for a special issue on Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Software. Since 2004, he has been an invited guest editor for Journal of E-Commerce Research and Application, Journal for Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, and International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering.


Since 2004, Dr. Gao has organized a number of international conferences and workshops in software engineering, information technology, and mobile-commerce, including ICYCS’05, EECC2006, TQACBS2005-6, WMCS2004-6, SEKE07, EMOBS07, TEST07. He is the workshop co-chair for the First and Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services (WMCS04-05). He also organized the First IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Mobile-Based Software and Applications (EMOBS07). He has served as a PC for numerous international conferences and workshops. In the recent years, he has offered a number of technical tutorials for International Conferences and large IT and software industry in Software Engineering, including 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering 2003 and 3rd International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems (ICCBSS 2004). In 2005, he was invited by ICYCS’05 to deliver his keynote speech on Engineering Mobile-Based Software and Applications – Issues, Challenges, and Needs. In 2007, he is an invited keynote speaker for ROSATEA 2007 in July 10, at Boston, USA.


Course Outline and Schedule:

7/17/2007 Introduction

7/18/2007 Understanding Wireless Networks

7/19/2007 Overview of Mobile Technologies

7/20/2007 Wireless Security

7/24/2007 Engineering Wireless-Based Software and Applications

7/25/2007 Mobile System Design

7/26/2007 Mobile Commerce Application and Systems

7/27/2007 Electronic Payment and Mobile Payment Systems

7/31/2007 Wireless Messaging Systems and Services

8/01/2007 Location-Based Mobile Solutions and Services

8/02/2007 Modern Technology for Mobile Commerce Applications

8/03/2007 Next Generation Mobile Systems and Future Research Directions

8/7/2007 Final Exam