

Huang, Gang


Research Interests: System software, software architecture

Office Phone: 86-10-6275 7670-16

Email: hg@pku.edu.cn

Huang, Gang is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of EECS. He obtained his Ph.D. from Peking University in 2004. His major research interests include software architecture, and Internetware for emerging network systems such as service computing, cloud computing, mobile computing, and Internet-of-Things.

Dr. Huang has published more than 100 referred papers, and many of them are published in premiere conferences such as OOPSLA, ICSE, FSE, ASE, WWW, and MoDELs, and high-impact journals such as TMC, TOIS, TOIT, and TSC. He has served as the PC co-chair of COMPSAC 2015 and SOSE 2013, the member of steering committee of Middleware, and Technical Program Committee of various international conferences. He is on the editorial board of various Journal of Internet Services and Applications and Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science.

He won the award of National Outstanding Dissertations in 2006, Fok Ying Tong Education Foundation in 2007, 2nd Class National Award for Technology Invention in 2008, New Century Excellent Talent of MOE in 2009, 2nd Class National Award for Natural Science in 2012, NSFC Outstanding Young-Scholar Funding Support in 2012, CCF Young-Scientist Award in 2013, Young Science and Technology Award of China in 2013, and so on. He also won the CBSE 2009 Best Paper Award, CyberC 2009 Best Paper Award, ICSS 2010 Best Paper Award, Middleware 2010 Best Workshop Paper, ICFI 2005 Best Paper Award Nomination, SOCA 2010 Best Paper Award Nomination, and ICFI 2005 Most Novel Domain Award. A number of his patents have been transferred to commercial products manufactured by industrial vendors including Lenovo, Alibaba, Kingdee, Founder, Digit China, etc. Dr. Huang has acted as the PI of various research projects including NSFC, 863 project, and so on.

His research achievements are summarized as follows:

1)  Software architecture. Current software systems become quite complex. The software architecture is regarded as a promising model specifying system structure and behavior. However, traditional SA is made at design time and has a big gap to the runtime. He extended the SA research field and proposed the runtime software architecture (RSA) as an entity to tame the dynamic adaptation and online evolution of component-based systems. RSA provides a fundamental baseline and various infrastructural supports to effectively monitor and control the status of a running system from the perspective of SA. In this way, the target system can then be adapted and evolved at runtime by operations to the RSA. He made efforts in supporting recovery of RSA from legacy systems without explicit SA documents. Additionally, he developed black-box runtime behavior analysis methods by recording and replaying operational traces, and then generating APIs to monitor and manipulate data/functionality of these systems.

2)  Internetware for emerging network systems. Internetware denotes a new software paradigm where software is architected as, developed with, and executed on the Internet. He acts as a leading Internetware researcher, and proposed new Internetware-oriented programming abstractions, engineering approaches, and runtime platforms to support various emerging network systems including cloud computing, services computing, mobile computing, and Internet-of-Things. These results have been demonstrated to develop the network systems more efficiently and operate them with better quality of user experiences.